This is The Juice…Science, Stories, Laughs and Stacks More


  • Cold Cold Heart: Warming up to the cold

  • Juice - e - memes

  • Microdoses: More Education = a longer life

  • Longevity Secrets from Around the World: Hunza Valley

  • The Hack: Tech Timeout + device usage poll

  • In the hood: Maria from Lisbon, Portugal

  • De-mystifying: Red Light Therapy

  • Today in the Apothecary: Cholesterol Lowering drugs: Statins++


Why a Winter Chill Might Be Just What We Need

Who really gets cold anymore? Think about it. With our cozy homes and heated cars, we dodge the chill like pros. But here's a thought: maybe it's time we stopped running from the cold and started embracing it. Sounds odd, right? Especially when all you want to do is curl up with a hot cocoa and wait for spring.

I currently live in Portugal, where even in winter, the days are pretty mild. But there's something exhilarating about diving into the ocean when it's a brisk 16 degrees (60F). It's nowhere near as hardcore as ice baths, but it gives the same jolt to the system—a shock that's not just about enduring the cold but actually enjoying it. I like to think of it as a bit of pain for a lot of pleasure.

This whole cold plunge business didn't happen overnight. It started with curiosity, a bunch of reading, and a cautious first attempt. Turns out, there's a science to this cold therapy stuff. It's not just about proving you're tough; it's about waking up your body—lighting a fire in your belly, so to speak. From kick-starting your immune system to cranking up your metabolism, the cold has a lot to offer.

My kids are my mini guinea pigs—don't worry, we're talking quick dunks here, nothing extreme. They're naturals, embracing the chill with giggles and shivers. It's a reminder that we're often more resilient than we think, and sometimes the old ways, like keeping warm all the time, need a bit of rethinking.

Going cold isn't just a physical thing; it's a mental game too. It's about breaking free from your comfort zone and finding strength you didn't know you had. It's a mindset shift, a way to flip the script on winter from something to endure to something that can actually make you feel alive.

So, here's a challenge to you: next time it's cold outside, instead of cranking up the thermostat, why not step out and feel the chill? Try a cold shower, go for a run in the crisp morning air, or if you're feeling brave, find a local cold water swimming spot. Go on, get cold and see how it makes you feel.

Ok let’s be honest is there any chance you’re actually going to take a cold duche or wander down to the local river and plunge in for the thrill of it? Tell me below!


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Written by Benjamin Mac



More Education, Longer Life. Researchers found that each additional year of education decreases death risk by two percent, with 18 years of education lowering it by 34 percent.

Scientists can tell how fast you're aging. While super-agers may possess excellent genes, research indicates that our habits and routines, encompassing factors like diet, physical activity, and social connections, play a significant role in determining how well we age.

The best countries in the world for aging. 
Discover the Healthy Ageing and Prevention Index ranking 121 countries. Explore the insights and uncover which countries are leading the way in promoting healthy aging, with profound implications for health, economy, and well-being.

Longevity Secrets From Around The World

Our new 52-week series

Welcome to "Longevity Secrets From Around The World," our quick 3-minute series that takes you on a year-long journey through the world's most fascinating longevity secrets. Every week, we delve into different regions, unveiling age-old traditions, unique recipes, and life-enhancing tips for a long, healthy life.

Week 2: Exploring the Hunza Valley: Pakistan's Secret to Longevity

In this edition of our global quest for longevity secrets, we venture into the picturesque Hunza Valley in Pakistan. Known for its remarkable population of healthy, elderly residents, Hunza provides insights into living not just longer, but healthier and happier.

The Hunza Way of Life

Nestled in the mountainous regions of Pakistan, the Hunza Valley is home to a community renowned for their exceptional longevity and vitality. The secret to their long lives? A unique blend of diet, daily physical activity, and a stress-free lifestyle, deeply rooted in their culture and environment.

The Hunza Diet: Natural and Nutritious

Central to Hunza longevity is their diet, primarily composed of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and plenty of natural water from the mountain glaciers. Apricots are a staple in Hunza; rich in vitamins and known for their health benefits. Their food is minimally processed, with a heavy emphasis on seasonal eating, which many believe contributes to their remarkable health.

Apricot Kernel Oil: A Local Elixir

A unique aspect of the Hunza diet is the use of apricot kernel oil. Rich in vitamin B-17, known for its potential cancer-fighting properties, this oil is a regular part of their diet and skincare, believed to contribute to their robust health and longevity.

Active Lifestyle: The Natural Exercise

The Hunza people are also known for their active lifestyle. Daily physical work, whether in the fields, gardens, or long walks in the valley, keeps them fit and agile well into old age. This natural form of exercise, combined with the pure mountain air, seems to play a crucial role in their longevity.

Community and Mental Wellbeing

Mental health and a strong sense of community are vital components of the Hunza way of life. Their society emphasizes social connections, outdoor activities, and cultural traditions, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

Applying Hunza's Secrets to Your Life

This week, consider how you can incorporate aspects of the Hunza lifestyle into your own. Embrace more natural, unprocessed foods, incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, and value your community and mental well-being. As the Hunza people show, a balanced approach to diet, exercise, and community can lead to a longer, more fulfilling life.

Remember, longevity is not just about the length of life, but the quality of it. The Hunza Valley's secrets offer a path to a healthier, more joyful, and purpose-driven existence.

Stay tuned for next week’s edition, where we'll explore fascinating longevity secrets from Sardinia, Italy


Longevity Tip:📱Tech Timeout

Why? Our addiction to devices is eroding our physical and mental well-being while exerting unhealthy control of our lives.

Challenge: Pick any day, turn off your phone for 2 hours. Repeat ASAP.


  • Relax Post-Work: No phone. Just you and real life.

  • Nature Stroll: Leave tech behind. Just walk.

  • Enjoy a Hobby: Read, paint, cook – phone-free.

Share: Don’t share just do it for u

Success Tip: Find a book to read

Result: You'll love the break. More than you think.

Tell us your thoughts…

Are you concerned about your device usage?

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IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Maria Campos from Lisbon, Portugal

How old are you? I'm 60 years old.

What is your 'longevity number' (The ideal age you hope to live to)? I don’t focus on a number; my new aim is to maintain vitality and joy in every stage of life.

Can you share a specific turning point that motivated you to prioritize your health and well-being?

About a year ago, I experienced severe fatigue and joint pain, which made daily activities challenging. It was my new reality and quite scary. I realized that if I wanted to enjoy my retirement years, I needed to make some serious lifestyle changes.

What are the greatest challenges you face in achieving a long life?

I have been addicted to sugar my whole life and trying to manage this has been very challenging. Also adjusting to a more active lifestyle was difficult, especially since I had been sedentary for years. Finding motivation every day to stay active and eat healthily, while managing arthritis, is my ongoing challenge.

What diet/style of eating works for you?

I've transitioned to a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish. It’s not just about weight management; it’s a sustainable way of eating that's enjoyable and fulfilling.

What do you do for physical fitness?

I started with gentle yoga and swimming, which are kind to my joints. Now, I've also added pilates to help with my strength.

Do you have a supplement stack?

Yes, I take vitamin D, omega-3 fish oil, and a joint-support supplement. I also drink green tea daily for its antioxidant properties.

What other things do you do for longevity?

I am not sure how related it is to longevity but I am thinking a lot about community and how to have a sense of purpose as I get older, so I am getting involved with some charity and community organisations. I have also been reading the book Outlive by Peter Attia which is an interesting approach that has helped me think about my life in the future differently.

What has had the biggest impact on your longevity to date?

Reducing my dependence on sugar has been freeing, I feel better in general and have a more constant mood. Movement has been the other success, I am moving my body like I have never in the past and starting to get the exercise high that people always talked about, movement makes a lot more sense now.

What role does mental health play in your overall approach to longevity, and how do you prioritize it?

I would say it is very important and having more understanding about health feels like I now have more control over my life and future which gives me a  lot of peace. I have an app for meditating which I am using but I am not very good at that yet.

How do you balance the social aspects of life with your longevity goals?

Socialising at my age is very connected with alcohol and although I still drink, it is not very often these days, so I limit my social connections to gatherings that are less likely to be all about drinking.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their journey toward a longer and healthier life?

I wish I had thought about health more when I was younger instead of waiting until my body was telling me I had to change. My advice would be to try to do more positive things for your body and mind than negative learn what health really means for you.


The Red Light Revolution: Shining a New Light on Longevity and Wellness

Welcome to the fascinating world of Red Light Therapy (RLT), where a crimson glow is opening new possibilities in the realms of wellness and longevity. It's time to explore what RLT is all about and why it might just be the wellness tool you didn't know you needed.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Picture this: a device emitting a soft, red light that bathes you in its warm glow. This is RLT, utilizing low-wavelength red light believed to penetrate deep into skin and tissues, offering a range of health benefits.

The Science Behind the Glow

RLT's claim to fame is its potential to kickstart mitochondria, the powerhouses within our cells. This boost could lead to increased energy production, improved recovery, and might even slow down some aging processes.

Anecdotes from the Red Zone

Users of RLT report various benefits, adding personal stories to the growing body of research. Some note significant improvements in skin health, with reports of reduced wrinkles and age spots, attributing these changes to their regular RLT sessions. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts have shared stories of quicker recovery times and reduced muscle soreness, making RLT a popular post-workout routine.

Potential Benefits You Should Know About

  1. Skin Health: RLT is making waves in the beauty world for its reported anti-aging effects, including reducing fine lines and improving skin tone.

  2. Pain and Inflammation: Individuals with chronic pain conditions have found relief with RLT, noting reductions in discomfort and inflammation.

  3. Muscle Recovery: Many report that RLT helps in faster recovery after strenuous physical activities, making it a favorite among athletes.

  4. Mood Improvement: Some users claim that RLT sessions help lift their mood, offering a potential tool against conditions like SAD.

Is RLT Right for You?

RLT devices vary, from professional setups to at-home units. If you're considering giving it a try:

  1. Consult a Professional: Especially if you have specific health concerns or skin conditions.

  2. Device Quality: The market is flooded with RLT devices, but not all are effective. Research is key.

  3. Ease Into It: Start with shorter sessions and listen to your body as you gradually increase exposure.


While RLT awaits more comprehensive scientific validation, the anecdotes and early research are hard to ignore. It's not a panacea, but the potential benefits, particularly for skin rejuvenation and muscle recovery, make it an intriguing wellness addition.

As the wellness community continues to explore RLT's potential, it shines a hopeful red light on the path to better health and longevity. Whether it becomes a mainstay in health routines remains to be seen, but for now, it's an exciting prospect in the ever-evolving landscape of personal wellness.

The Juice’s rating of Red Light Therapy

  1. It’s the shiz, DO IT! 🥳

  2. Worth a go

  3. Meh, not much juice

  4. Non Non Non

Up Next in De-mystify:

We dive into the world of sleep trackers. Discover how these gadgets are revolutionizing the way we understand and optimize our sleep.

Lipid Lowering Drugs

Dive into the essentials of cholesterol control with our latest piece on lipid-lowering drugs. From Statins to PCSK9 inhibitors and beyond, discover how these key medications can safeguard your heart and extend your health span. Get the lowdown on their benefits, mechanisms, and what they mean for your personalized health journey. A must-read for anyone invested in a heart-healthy future! Read the full article here

Next Week's Teaser:

Stay tuned for next week's apothecary section where we will discuss Fish Oils, everyone seems to take them but are they good?

Thanks for sipping on The Juice with us. Keep embracing the cold, cherishing the warmth, and living the longevity life. Share your thoughts and spread the goodness!

See you next week

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