CGM's and NAC

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  • CHEW ON THIS: Alex J, from Portland

  • Micro-doses: Belly fat = cognitive decline

  • De-mystifying: Continuous Glucose Monitors

  • The Apothecary: NAC, a supplement worth considering

  • Longevity Around the World: You will love Ikaria Greece

Don’t Drink Water Naked!

Try THIS instead…
Bladder irritation, surprise leaks, constant urges… These are all common side effects of drinking “naked” water.

Even worse… 

“Naked” water can even cause potentially dangerous side effects such as kidney stones and dangerous infections.


image of a large mouth a nd big lips with white teeth and a rainbow and stars insidee


Alex J, from Portland


I've found myself in quite the dietary conundrum lately, and it's been the topic of many a dinner conversation at home. On one hand, we have influencers like Dave Asprey advocating for grass-fed meats as a cornerstone of a healthy, high-performance lifestyle. On the other, there's a growing chorus of voices, including my partner's, championing a vegan lifestyle for both health and ethical reasons.

The science and philosophy behind both arguments are compelling. Grass-fed meat is lauded for its higher omega-3 content and sustainable farming practices, while a vegan diet is celebrated for its environmental benefits and ethical considerations regarding animal welfare.

I must admit, the contrasting viewpoints present a paradox that's both intellectually stimulating and slightly bewildering. How does one reconcile the benefits of these seemingly opposing dietary philosophies? Is it possible to find a middle ground that respects the principles of both?

Navigating this landscape has become a personal journey of discovery, and I'd love to hear you guys discuss this more and generally hear how others are balancing these considerations and any insights into bridging the gap between these dietary opposites..

Warm regards, Alex

POLL: Where does your fork fall?

In light of Alex from Portland's thought-provoking reflection on navigating the diverse landscape of dietary choices, we're curious about where our readers stand on this spectrum.

Where do your dietary preferences align ?

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Got something to share?

We're all ears for your life hacks and success stories or even a rant. Whether it's a breakthrough in your wellness journey or something that really didn’t work, we're here to spotlight the real gems from our community.

It could be featured in "Chew on This," where we dish out the most relatable, real-life experiences to our readers.

No story is too small if it's made a big difference to you, so please share!

It Appears, Youth… Didn’t Tear You Apart!

Tuesdays Poll Result

In our Tuesday poll we asked how detrimental to your health was your youth?

66% of you said you were a little reckless at times but generally ok! 🤩

11% Said you burnt the candle at both ends for too long and now you pay the price! ☠️

22% Said you were on the straight and narrow from day one!


Discover the connection between belly fat and brain health! A recent study dives into how abdominal fat influences cognitive decline and why men and women are affected differently.

Fasting-Mimicking Diet Might Extend Lifespan in Humans Check out how 3 rounds of a fasting diet can tweak your body's age meter back by 2.5 years! Less insulin resistance, less liver fat, and a younger immune system. Who knew fasting could do all that?

New epigenetic clocks by Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers reveal how DNA structure predicts our biological age, distinguishing what speeds up or slows down aging. Dive into the groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize how we assess and intervene in the aging process. Are we closer to halting time?


Have you ever considered how a hearty plate of pasta or a ripe piece of fruit might impact your energy and mood, or the subtle ways a glass of wine affects your body's inner workings? It goes beyond mere nutrition; it's about your body's specific reactions to these foods and beverages. This is where Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) come into the picture, providing a detailed view of your metabolic responses to different dietary choices.

Understanding CGMs and Their Impact

CGMs are advanced tools that continuously measure your glucose levels, offering insights into how your body processes carbohydrates, alcohol, fruits, and more. These devices can unveil the direct effects of your dietary habits on your blood sugar, enabling you to tailor your nutritional intake for optimal metabolic health.

Real-Time Insights for Tailored Nutrition

Imagine watching your glucose levels in real time, seeing the effects of that pasta dinner or understanding how a brisk walk can mitigate a sugar high. This immediate feedback empowers informed decision-making about diet and exercise, helping to maintain balanced glucose levels and avoid energy dips.

CGMs: A Tool for Enhanced Longevity

CGMs are more than just a way to manage post-meal energy levels; they're pivotal in longevity and metabolic health. Maintaining steady glucose levels is crucial for overall vitality, cognitive function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. With personal insights from CGM data, you can fine-tune your lifestyle to support long-term health and well-being.

Distinguishing Between CGM Devices and Health Monitoring Services

The CGM landscape is populated with both devices and health monitoring services, each catering to different needs:

CGM Devices

  • Freestyle Libre by Abbott: Known for its ease of use, this device allows users to monitor their glucose levels without routine finger pricks. The sensor is worn on the arm and provides data for up to 14 days.

  • Dexcom: The Dexcom series, especially the G6, is renowned for its accuracy and real-time glucose alerts, which can be sent directly to a smartphone or smartwatch.

These devices come with their own apps, allowing users to track their glucose levels independently, without the need for additional services.

Health Monitoring Services

  • Companies like NutriSense and Levels offer comprehensive health monitoring services, utilizing CGM technology to provide personalized nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. These platforms analyze your CGM data to deliver tailored advice, helping you optimize your metabolic health.

While these services add a layer of personalized analysis and support, it's worth noting that purchasing a CGM device independently and using the manufacturer's app can also provide valuable insights into your glucose levels and metabolic health.

Final Thoughts

CGMs offer a unique lens into your metabolic health, providing actionable insights tailored to your body's reactions to food and activity. Whether you choose a standalone CGM device or opt for a comprehensive health monitoring service, this technology empowers a more informed, personalized approach to health and wellness. In an era where generic health advice is all too common, the precise, data-driven insights from CGMs represent a significant advancement in personalized health optimization.

What does The Juice think of CGM’s?

⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ We Love it, we want it!

⚡️⚡️⚡️ We think it is worth a go

⚡️⚡️ Take it or leave it

⚡️ Nah!

Coming up next! we're diving into the complex world of diets, untangling the web of popular eating plans that promise health and longevity. From Keto to Vegan, Paleo to Carnivore, each diet claims its crown in the wellness kingdom. But what's the reality behind these regimens? Are they the key to a longer, healthier life, or just passing trends? Join us as we cut through the hype, examining the science, debunking the myths, and uncovering the truth about these diets. Get ready for a nutritional eye-opener.

 This week in The Apothecary

image of a morta and pestle with herbs and supplements. Mystical and apothercary like imagee

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC)

In a world increasingly focused on wellness and longevity, one compound is gaining popularity for its remarkable versatility and range of health benefits: N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, or NAC. Known for its powerful antioxidant properties, NAC has been making waves not just in the scientific community but also among those seeking to enhance their health through natural means. From boosting your immune system to potentially aiding in mood regulation, NAC's benefits are as compelling as they are diverse.

The Benefits

At the heart of NAC's magic is its ability to replenish glutathione, the body's master antioxidant. This not only helps in detoxifying the body but also plays a crucial role in supporting immune function, protecting against oxidative stress, and potentially slowing down the aging process.

In addition, anecdotal reports have lauded NAC for its ability to enhance mental clarity, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and even improve skin health, giving it a near-celestial status among supplements.

Beyond the Lab

While scientific studies have underscored NAC's efficacy in areas like respiratory health and detoxification, the stories from everyday people truly bring its potential to life. Individuals have reported significant improvements in their battle with chronic respiratory conditions; others have found solace in NAC's mood-stabilizing effects, with some describing it as a lifeline during times of intense stress and anxiety.

One particularly intriguing area where NAC has garnered attention is in the realm of skincare. Users report a noticeable improvement in the clarity and elasticity of their skin, attributing these changes to the internal antioxidant boost NAC provides.


N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) emerges as a powerful ally in the quest for improved health and longevity, offering a wide range of benefits from detoxification to mental health support. Its role in enhancing antioxidant levels, immune function, and overall well-being highlights its potential as a valuable supplement in anyone's health regimen. While embracing NAC's advantages, it's crucial to prioritize quality and consult healthcare professionals to ensure its safe and effective use. As we continue to explore and understand the full spectrum of NAC's benefits, it stands as a testament to the power of combining scientific research with natural health solutions.

Next Week's Teaser:

Stay tuned for next week's apothecary section where we will discover Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA): a unique antioxidant known for supporting nerve health and aiding in blood sugar management. Discover how this versatile supplement could benefit your wellness journey.

Should you take N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine

The Juice thinks it should be….

Your number one supplement

In your top 5 supplements

In your top 10 supplements

Not at all

Longevity Secrets From Around The World - 52-week series

image of a an old mans face in the sky with a river some mountains and trees. A mysticl image wih the sun in the distancee

Week 6

Exploring Longevity in Ikaria, Greece

Welcome back to "Longevity Secrets From Around the World." This week, we set sail to the Aegean Sea, landing on the rugged shores of Ikaria, Greece, a renowned Blue Zone famed for its extraordinary number of centenarians and laid-back lifestyle that seems to be a fountain of youth.

Ikaria: The Island Where People Forget to Die

Nestled in the Aegean Sea, Ikaria is a picturesque island that has captivated the world with its high rates of longevity. Ikarians live profoundly long and healthy lives, with a significant number becoming centenarians. Their secret? A remarkable blend of diet, community, and lifestyle that promotes optimal health.

The Ikarian Diet: A Mediterranean Masterpiece

The cornerstone of Ikarian longevity is undoubtedly its diet. Predominantly plant-based, Ikarians feast on a wealth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and a moderate amount of fish. Olive oil is the golden elixir, drizzled over everything, providing heart-healthy fats. This diet, low in processed foods and high in antioxidants, is a key factor in the islanders' remarkable health.

Siestas and Slow Living

Ikarians are known for their leisurely pace of life, including the cherished afternoon nap. This practice is not just a tradition but a necessity, offering a break from the day's heat and a moment of rest, which has been linked to reduced stress levels and lower instances of heart disease.

Social Fabric and Festivities

The island's strong sense of community and frequent social gatherings contribute significantly to its residents' longevity. Ikarians value social connections, spending ample time with family and friends, and engaging in community festivals that foster a sense of belonging and happiness.

Natural Movement and Herbal Wisdom

Physical activity is seamlessly woven into the Ikarian lifestyle through farming, walking, and tending to livestock. This natural movement, coupled with the island’s herbal traditions—using local herbs for both culinary and medicinal purposes—underscores a holistic approach to health.

Ikaria's Lessons for Longevity

Ikaria teaches us the power of a balanced, plant-based diet, the importance of community, the health benefits of regular, natural physical activity, and the value of living at a slower pace. These elements, deeply embedded in the Ikarian way of life, provide a compelling blueprint for health and longevity.

As we bid farewell to the tranquil beauty of Ikaria, we carry with us the lessons learned from an island where life is savored, community is cherished, and health spans a century. Next week, we'll venture to another corner of the globe in our quest to uncover the secrets to a long and vibrant life.

Stay tuned for next week’s edition, where we'll explore fascinating longevity secrets from Nagano Japan

   Thanks for supporting The Juice.

See you next week

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